About Us


Southside Partnership DLR was established in 1996 as an independent local development company delivering a range of programmes and services in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown.

The principle programmes that we deliver are Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP), the Local Area Employment Service, Tús Community Work Placement and Community Employment Programme.

We also host a range of programmes that support individuals and the local community:  Healthy Food Made Easy, Living Well with Dementia, Southside Addressing Violence Effectively (SAVE),  Social Prescribing and the PPN (Public Participation Network)

What we offer individuals:
  • Employment supports and training including job search, CV & Interview skills
  • Mentoring, training and support for individuals to set up their own business
  • Work placement opportunities through our Tús and CE schemes
  • Personal Development Training
  • Supporting Health and Wellbeing through our Social Prescribing programme
  • Develop awareness about diet and nutrition through the healthy food made easy programme
  • Services and supports for individuals living with dementia
What we offer communities:
  • A wide range of supports through our local community centres:
    • Holly House in Loughlinstown:  Providing supports to young people – social, sporting, recreational, educational and developmental opportunities
    • Ballybrack Project Centre:  Providing supports to older people and groups supporting individuals with disabilities
    • Furry Hill Community Centre:  Supporting migrant women
  • Support for older people through our care and repair project
  • Building the capacity of community groups by providing mentoring support, technical assistance and training and development opportunities
  • Supporting Women:  providing activities and supporting the integration, empowerment and capacity building of women
What we offer employers and other services:
  • An avenue to connect with job seekers
  • An opportunity to explore CSR opportunities
  • Support to the founders / owners of pre-start-up and early start up social enterprises.    



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Please click on the image to see our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan 2020 - 2023

In writing this plan, we have taken time to reflect on our work over recent years. We have also studied the local and national context. We have listened carefully to our stakeholders, including clients, partners, staff, board members and funders. The strategic choices we have made reflect the collective priorities of our stakeholders. As always, we will continue to work towards a more inclusive and just society which is lived out in vibrant communities.

We know that this is an ambitious plan. However, if Southside Partnership DLR is to be an agent for change within the communities that we support, our aspirations must be high. We welcome the encouragement and support of all who share our desire to make a difference to the lives of those living in our communities.

We hope that this Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023 will help to inspire all of us to keep social inclusion at the top of our agendas.

The Board and Staff of Southside Partnership DLR