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Libraries & Community Creative Café – Course 2

24 November, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The DLR Social Prescribing Programme for Health & Wellbeing in collaboration with dlrLexicon libraries invite you to join us for our new ‘Libraries & Community Creative Café’ Taster Sessions where you can try out a different activity each week followed by a friendly and relaxed social cuppa and information about upcoming events & activities. Participants would ideally participate in all 4 sessions to enjoy a different experience each week.

Course 1 will run from Nov 23rd for 4 sessions until Dec 14th 2022

Course 2 will run from Nov 24th for 4 sessions until Dec 15th 2022

Times are 11am-1pm for each session                     

Session 1: Become a Nature Artist – Nature can arouse feelings of wonder, delight and awe in us. Join Artist Joyce Fitzpatrick for a winter reflection sharing ideas which do just that.

Session 2: Dun Laoghaire and the Granite Coast. Explore its History and Heritage Come and enjoy a talk with local historian and author Peter Pearson about the history and heritage of Dun Laoghaire and find out about other history and heritage related initiatives coming up.

Session 3: Art from the Heart – Mandala Therapy Workshop Join Dublin artist Patricia Fitzgerald of Healing Creations as she takes you on a journey of self-compassion and awareness through the ancient art form of mandala in a once-off taster session.

Session 4: “Our Grá for the Gab” the Art and Tradition of Singing and Storytelling and how we Love to Spin a Yarn Come and join Helena Byrne as she interweaves tales of Irish folklore and history, with traditional Irish songs.

Please contact Gillian or Lisa from our DLR Social Prescribing Team on 01 706 0100 / 087 737 0372 or email Gillian at gillian.duffy@sspship.ie to find out more or to book your place. Preference will be given to participants of the DLR Social Prescribing Programme or anyone in DLR interested in linking in with social prescribing.



24 November, 2022
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
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dlr Lexicon
Queen's Rd
Dún Laoghaire,, Ireland