Let’s talk about Mental Health, Wellbeing and Self-Care in Challenging Times.

On International Social Prescribing Day 2021 let’s talk about Mental Health, Wellbeing and Self-Care in Challenging Times.

Join us to celebrate International Social Prescribing Day on March 18th 2021 for a conversation on Mental Health, Wellbeing and Self-Care in Challenging Times with Rachael Hughes from Shine.

Please contact Lisa from the DLR Social Prescribing Programme at lisa.sieger@sspship.ie or on 087 737 0372 or Alexandra from Bray & Greystones ASPIRE Social Prescribing Programme on alex@brayareapartnership.ie.

Please check the flyer for more details and share if you can.

#socialprescribingday #socialprescribing #healthyireland #slaintecare #community #wellbeing