Collaborative networking has always played an important role in the work of Southside Partnership; this takes the form of local, regional and national networks, with a whole variety of organisations – community, voluntary and statutory.
Southside Partnership is represented on multiple networks & organisations throughout the county. We work closely with the DLRCoCo, the DDL ETB, the County Childcare Committee, HSE, Tusla and The Local Enterprise Office. We play host to a number of project and networks, including the Healthy Food Made Easy project, the DLR Volunteer Centre and the Southside Addressing Violence Effectively, We convene, facilitate, participate in and lead cross sector collaborations and conversations addressing issues which are impacting on our targeted communities thus enabling us to better coordinate strategies and pool resources.

Hosted by Southside Partnership and funded under the Department of Health, the Healthy Food Made Easy Programme in DLR aims to address inequalities related to food and to improve nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behaviour through the provision of information and the facilitation of a 6 week course. The key objectives of these courses are to increase participant knowledge about diet and nutrition and to develop food-related skills such as cooking, budgeting and shopping.
For further information contact Angela Lennon, Healthy Food Made Easy Coordinator on 01 706 0100 or email angela.lennon@sspship.ie

SAVE is an interagency forum established in 1995 with the main aim of developing a comprehensive response to domestic violence in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown area. It is resourced and supported by Southside Partnership through the employment of a development worker. SSP and SAVE also operate a counselling service for women affected by domestic violence.
For further information contact Daniela Naab on 01 706 0100 or daniela.naab@sspship.ie

Supported and hosted by Southside Partnership the women4women network dlr seeks to ensure that women’s issues are fully integrated in the formulation and conduct of local and national policy. The network supports women from targeted communities, including New Communities, by offering a space to meet, share and learn. The regular Multicultural Women’s Breakfasts are organised in conjunction with the SSP Women’s Programme and other community organisations in the county. All women are welcome to join the events and network meetings.
women4women network dlr is a member of National Women’s Council and PPN DLR.
For more information contact Daniela Naab: daniela.naab@sspship.ie, Marilyn Nyquist: marilyn.nyquist@sspship.ie or Rafika Kelly rafika.kelly@sspship.ie
Southside Childcare Action Network is a community childcare learning network comprising 22 community childcare providers. SCAN was established in 1998 and is supported by Southside Partnership, the DLR County Childcare Committee and Barnardos. For further information contact Lorraine Stewart 01 706 0100 or email lorraine.stewart@sspship.ie
The Southside Partnership Enterprise & Employment Network is made up of representatives from a variety of agencies who support our core target groups including: Southside Area Local Employment Services; DLR Local Enterprise Office; Dept. Social Protection; Adult Guidance Services; LEADER; and Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art Design & Technology. Meetings are focused on exchanging information and promoting opportunities for our shared clients; gathering information on issues and barriers facing our clients; advocating on behalf of our clients; and updating members on other relevant supports available to our clients, as appropriate.
For further information contact Finn McGuirk finn.mcguirk@sspship.ie Tel: 01 706 0100

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network (DLR PPN) is hosted by Southside Partnership and is an independent network of community & voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations active in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. DLR PPN aims to support members to have a voice in local authority policy-making, build the capacity of member groups to make a positive contribution to the community and to help members to connect, network and learn from each other. DLR PPN is jointly funded by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the Department of Rural and Community Development. For further information contact Laura Howe at 087 6394506 email laura@dlrppn.ie or visit www.dlrppn.ie
The Irish Local Development Network (ILDN) is the representative body of Local Development Companies (LDCs) in Ireland. The ILDN’s mission is to promote and support the work of its members in the areas of social inclusion and local and rural development. www.ildn.ie