Community Resource Centres

Working with geographical communities and communities of identity and/or interest, our programme aims to build the capacity of community groups by providing mentoring support, technical assistance and training and development opportunities for volunteers, members of the wider community and core staff to design and deliver services which meet local needs.

Women's Programme

Our Women's Programme Our women's team supports women from our targeted communities, including New Communities, in the development of their personal, social, educational and employment skills.

Older People's Programme

Our older people's pragramme provides opportunities for community and civic engagement through various volunteer activities in our youth and children’s programme and our women’s programme.

Our supports in local community centers

If would like to find out more about different range of our supports in a local community, please see below.

Holly House

SSP Holly House is a Community Resource Centre based in Loughlinstown. We support children, young people and families. We do this by providing a number of programmes that support the local community, we also meet people at where they are at and use a community development approach in everything we do.

Furry Hill

We offer a wide range of support for women in the community that consists of English and communication classes, art workshops and many different activities. The goal of our programmes is to empower women to reach their personal and professional goals.

Ballybrack Community Resource Centre

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