New Communities

Southside Community Training Network works closely with community groups and trainees in the design and review of our training programmes. We have a consultative approach to our work and are committed to providing quality, affordable training opportunities for our trainees. Our ethos includes Integrity, Passion, Service Excellence and Flexibility, all of which are ingrained in our day-to-day operations. Over the years these qualities have helped us become trusted partners with those we work with, providing them with the confidence of our ability to deliver quality training programmes.

If you would like to receive monthly updates about upcoming trainings and events. Please sign up for Southside Community Training Network e-newsletter here.


Southside Community Training Network provides adult and community education opportunities as well as general skills-focused and occupation specific courses for targeted individuals and communities in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown.


Southside Partnership DLR works closely with a number of partner groups to facilitate access to employment related training for its clients. This training may take the form of short skills based training or longer, more intense, job specific courses.


Healthy Food Made Easy Programme in DLR aims to address inequalities related to food and to improve nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behaviour through the provision of information and the facilitation of a 6 week course.

Upcoming Events

  1. The Mindful Garden – DLR Social Prescribing

    17 January @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  2. Putting Joy, Stillness and Calm Back Into Life

    21 January @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  3. Art From The Heart – DLR Social Prescribing

    21 January @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
  4. Getting Back To Walking – Social Walking Group (DLR Social Prescribing)

    21 January @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  5. The Mindful Garden – DLR Social Prescribing

    24 January @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

Social inclusion programmes

  • Healthy Food Made Easy: The courses address inequalities related to food and to improve nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behaviour through the provision of information and the facilitation of a 6 week course.
  • The Living Well with Dementia service develops and delivers innovative services and supports to people living with dementia and their families in their communities. Weekly activities  include Dance, Choir, Art, Exercise, Bridge, seasonal walking groups and networking events. Inclusive of people who don’t have dementia
  • Babies & toddlers community based groups is a weekly specialised support to four (soon to be 6) disadvantaged communities. Targeted intervention for vulnerable parents and their babies/toddlers (0-2 years). Supports parents to create the best start for their babies and toddlers by listening, talking, playing, singing and reading together.  Based on peer-reviewed model.
  • Care & Repair is an service in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area helps vulnerable older people with essential pieces of work such as a small garden tidy-up, replacing light bulbs, fitting smoke alarms, putting up shelves or moving light pieces of furniture to another room. The programme is supported through Tús, CE and Age Action
  • Social Prescribing programme is about supporting the health and wellbeing of people by helping them to connect with local, community-based activities as well as national and online supports

Community Resource Centres

Holly House Community Resource Centre provides a range of community development supports and services for children, young people at risk, families and local community groups. We facilitate an after schools activity programme homework clubs for primary school children, a grinds programme for junior and leaving cert students, easter and summer camps and support to parents. And carers. We aim to provide children and young people with the skills and resources to stay in the education system while recognising the role the arts play in enhancing their social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Our young people at risk programme offers one to one support to young people at risk age 15-24yrs and not in education, employment, or training, supports include personal development, goalsetting, access to information on a training, employment and educational opportunities and referral pathways where appropriate. We also support young people at risk but still in school by facilitating age-appropriate personal development programmes.

Senior Wellness Activity Programme (SWAP) is a structured and coordinated set of activities designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing among older adults in DLR.

Ballybrack project Centre provides a range of supports and opportunities for local community groups and older people and people with disabilities living in Ballybrack, Loughlinstown and surrounding areas. These include:

  • Ballybrack Craft Group, over 65’s Chair Gym, Coolevin Arts Group, Creatability Art Class, Young at Hearts, Thursday Book-Swap, Healthy Foods Made Easy
  • We provide a range of governance supports to local community groups such as Ballybrack Climate Action Group and Loughlinstown Estate Management
  • We are key partners in local climate initiatives including the development of the Ballybrack Min-Forest Garden.

Furry Hill Community Centre—we work in partnership with key stakeholders to support the community in organising and facilitating key community events throughout the year including community clean-ups and community street feasts

Local Community Groups

We provide governance and capacity building support a range of local community groups throughout the DLR County. Supports include

  • Support to access funding applications
  • Committee supports with issues such HR, committee skills and financial support
  • Support to join county structures such as PPN (public Participation Network) and DLR Drugs and Alcohol Task Force
  • Support LCG’s to deliver a range of health and wellbeing supports and services in their local community

Ukrainian and International Protection Applicant IPA) Response Team

Our Ukrainian and IPa Response Team provide a range of supports and services to Ukrainians living in groups settings and host families across the DLR county, we also support IPa’s including children and families and men living in group settings. Our supports include

  • Coordinate the Ukrainian Hub in Sandyford and provide a safe place for residents to com, feel safe and access community education and supports
  • Providing one to one support to newly arriving Ukrainians and IPa’s to access their needs and work in collaboration with a range of service providers to ensure their needs are being met
  • Facilitate 6 weekly workshops for those seeking employment, topics addressed include, understanding the Irish Labour market and Interview skills
  • Provide one to one support on CV preparation
  • Facilitate health and wellbeing programmes for residents experiencing trauma and anxiety
  • Support volunteer group including providing financial support to their bike scheme that provides refurnished bikes to Ukrainian children and adults
  • Lead the Community Services sub-committee for local service providers and community groups to share information and provide a coordinated response 

Employment & enterprise

  • Our self-employment programme delivers a range of support services to those thinking of becoming self-employed which include: regular self-employment Information Sessions, one-to-one guidance on progressing your business idea and access to self-employment related training.
  • Our Local Employment Service support unemployed clients to become job ready through a number of interventions over a 12 month period. Interventions include identifying barriers to work, supporting clients through training, preparing them for interviews and into jobs. An Employer Liaison Officer links in with local business to identify pipeline and meet demand. This is a performance-based contract
  • Our Local Social Enterprise Groups service provides support to the founders / owners of pre-start-up and early start up social enterprises, while also working with developing and established organisations. It provides business and practical skills support, while also developing owner confidence and personal skills.
  • Tús Community Work Placement is a 6-month community work placement initiative providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people. The work opportunities benefit the local community and are provided by community and voluntary organisations. These work placements are a valuable route for participants to gain or add workplace experience, to learn new skills and to return to the routine of regular work.
  • Community Employment (CE) is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed, to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities. After the placement, participants are encouraged to look for permanent jobs elsewhere, based on the experience, new skills and training you have gained while on CE.

For more information on our Training Network please contact our Co-Ordinator of Southside Community Training Network

Lisa Sieger-Jamison
Phone: 01 706 0100