Services & Support Overview

We provide wide range of
research services

Employment Support

Employment Supports

Southside Partnership DLR offers a range of services, in a variety of locations, to support our clients back into employment or self employment.

New Communities

Southside Community Training Network works closely with community groups and trainees in the design and review of our training programmes.

Self Employment Supports

Supporting unemployed people in accessing payments to help them become self-employed.

Employer Links & CSR

Local business is the heart of any community and the driving force for local economic activity Southside Partnership also offers supports to local employers.

Social Enterprise Supports

Local business is the heart of any community and the driving force for local economic activity Southside Partnership also offers supports to local employers.

Community Resource Centres

Working with communities our programme aims to build the capacity of groups by providing mentoring support & training to help develop opportunities for groups to …

Children, Young People and Families

Our strategy is one of prevention; we support young people in a number of different ways through group work and one to one supports providing …

Health & Wellbeing

Our work with children young people and families focuses on supporting parents, communities and providers to provide nurturing and stimulating environments for children, with a …