Through its Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP) Southside Partnership offers a variety of services to unemployed people living within Dún Laoghaire Rathdown.
For more information contact the
SICAP Employment Team in Southside Partnership DLR on 01 70 60 100
The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (known as SICAP) is the national local community development and social inclusion programme. It provides social inclusion supports to individuals and community organisations.
SICAP Services Include;
- One-to-one support in preparing a Personal Action Plan (PAP) to help guide your way into employment, further education or relevant training.
- Information on DSP payments available to help support the transition into employment some of which include:
- Help and support with job applications, creating a professional CV and preparing for interview.
- Weekly updates on local vacancies and jobs available in your area.
If you would like to register to receive our weekly jobs list please sign up here.
- Access and information on government supported employment programmes and schemes including:
- Information on work related training courses which may be of interest to you.
- Guidance on exploring the option of self-employment
For more information on SICAP please contact a member of the
SICAP Employment Team in Southside Partnership DLR
Ph: 70 60 100 or email
Department of Social Protection supports, including current vacancies. (
The INOU works at local and national levels on issues affecting unemployed people.
The Citizens Information Board provides information on public services and entitlements in Ireland.
The Adult Guidance and Information-Service offers advice, guidance, and information on education, training and careers to adult learners taking part in our adult education programmes including those on Adult Literacy, VTOS and Community Education programmes.
The Money Advice and Budgeting Service is the State’s free money advice service, guiding people through dealing with problem debt.
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Volunteer Centre is an independent organisation working with volunteers and volunteer involving organisations.
If you are unemployed you can attend a range of Skillnets training courses for free.
Springboard+ offers a choice of over 280 free, part-time and intensive conversion courses in higher education from certificate, to degree, to post-graduate level. Most courses are part-time, enabling you to keep social protection supports.
MOMENTUM will fund the provision of free education and training projects to allow 6,500 jobseekers (who are unemployed for 12 months or more) to gain skills and to access work opportunities in identified growing sectors.