Strategic objectives

As set out in our Strategic Plan, Southside Partnership has been focusing on four strategic objectives that capture the Partnership’s ambition for 2020-2023. Each objective and its actions are strongly interlinked with the others, and are not listed in any order of importance.

GOAL 1: Building Vibrant Communities

Building community increases a person’s life chances and guarantees sustainability. A community is made up of individuals, families, businesses, services, groups and networks and we work with all of them.


1.1 Support, link and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives focused on providing effective targeted services and supports for children (0 – 11 years) and their families

1.2 Support young people at risk in targeted areas to reach their potential by increasing access to relevant supports and education

1.3 Support an increase in lifelong learning activity at local level

1.4 Enhance social connectedness across the lifecycle and promote the health and well-being of community members


• 0-3 years’ initiative for DLR is embedded and adequately funded
• Resources for after-schools programme increased
• Strengthened life skills of parents and children
• Integrated approach to support young people developed
• More people, particularly disadvantaged and migrant women engaging in lifelong learning
• Increased community engagement and improved health and wellbeing in the community

GOAL 2: Supporting Economic Inclusion

Southside Partnership aims to achieve equality of opportunity for all individuals in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown to participate in economic activity as employees, entrepreneurs, consumers and citizens.


2.1 Develop progressive and sustainable solutions to unemployment in DLR

2.2 Develop initiatives and tailored supports to improve the job readiness of specific groups that face multiple barriers to employment

2.3 Partner with local employers and with local employers’ representative bodies to create training and development opportunities for our clients and to address the barriers to employment experienced by our clients


• Ongoing identification of client needs
• Low income workers upskilled
• Increased job readiness for long term unemployment and people facing multiple barriers
• More people entering employment and self-employment
• Social Enterprise Strategy developed
• More supports and opportunities for people with disabilities, lone parents, Travellers and over 55s
• More supportive employers

GOAL 3: Strengthening leadership and building collaboration

Empowering communities means enabling local leaders and communities to problem solve and innovate at a local level.


3.1 Coordinate programmes and supports that help build community leadership

3.2 Foster collaborative practice among stakeholders to support engagement and empowerment

3.3 Increase and enhance the strength and capacity of targeted communities and frontline staff working in the community and voluntary sector in DLR


  • Increased leadership capacity in communities
  • Greater participation of leaders in local structures and networks
  • Improved engagement with service users
  • Improved collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders
  • DLR Social Inclusion Network established
  • Local community groups have stronger governance structures

GOAL 4: Strengthening our organisation

This goal focuses on the internal workings of the organisation, on our systems, processes, communications, funding and staff development and identifies actions to build on and improve these.


4.1 Improve our systems, processes and policies

4.2 Develop our internal and external communications

4.3 Invest in the development of our staff and facilitate their participation in planning and strategy

4.4 Develop new funding streams for the organisation


  • Q Mark accreditation secured for entire organisation
  • CRM system embedded throughout SSP
  • Increased cross team collaboration on programmes
  • Communications Strategy in place and operating
  • Increased staff engagement in planning and strategy
  • Channels of communication between Board andstaff established
  • Funding Strategy developed and new funding secured